10 Reasons Why Is CyberSecurity Important In 2024

June 30, 2021

10 Reasons Why Is Cyber Security Important

In this fast and technology-driven world of billions of people, it is hard to imagine how much
data is being shared, uploaded, and downloaded from various cloud services. But are we
sure that our data is safe? Can we guarantee that it is being shared with only those people
with whom we want to share it? Are we certain that there is nobody else who can access
our data?

Our explanations and answers to this lie in Cyber Security.

1. Protecting your own personal information

We generally use a lot of social media platforms these days, but some of these
platforms are not as safe as others and also we keep our backup of photos, videos
and other forms of files in various cloud services which can be exposed to various
cybercrimes if required cybersecurity measures are not taken to protect our data.
So, cybersecurity is important to not only individuals but also to various institutions
using internet services.

 2. Rapidly changing technologies

These days a lot of research is being done on creating devices and products to make
our lives easier and the faster we change technologies, compromising our cyber
security, the more we make ourselves vulnerable to cyber attacks. IoT (internet of
things) is a very widely used technology, from home automation to sensors, but IoT
security in itself is a concern and it is vulnerable to cyber-attacks which needs a
sophisticated cybersecurity strategy.

3.  Automated cyber attacks

There are various types of automated technology that can be used to aid a cyber-attack

making it much more challenging for cybersecurity experts to secure the data
. Most of the cyber-attacks are now found to be using artificial intelligence and
machine learning algorithms to lead to much more organized cyber attacks. Cybersecurity is day by day becoming a challenging but most sought-after field.

4. Damaging Businesses

There has been an increase in hacks of very reputed and trusted companies creating
a general question among users, are their most trusted institutions capable
enough to fend off such attacks on their confidential information? And do they
take the required cybersecurity measures? If yes, then why are brand names like
Facebook, Canva, eBay, Linked In, etc. have breaches even after having a
dedicated cybersecurity strategy to deal with such breaches.

5. Loss of Money

Cyber-attacks not only harm the reputation and client base of a company but also
financially. It causes damages worth millions of dollars to the organization to hire
effective and efficient cybersecurity teams, to recover the data, and the organization
also has to pay a hefty amount of money in fines. But despite many of these
corporate giants already having taken safety measures in advance, their cybersecurity teams have failed to accomplish their task not once, but multiple times.
Equifax – 147 million customer data exposed incurring a loss of – 439 million
Yahoo – all 3 billion customer accounts breached incurring a loss of – 350 million

cyber security

6. Loss of Jobs

There have been reports of many brand-name organizations that have been targets
of cyber-attacks relieving C-level executives and also some associate-level
employees in order to recover from the financial losses they have incurred. So
indirectly we can say that cybersecurity plays a vital role in preventing compromise
of employee welfare, also cybersecurity is a safety measure whose existence has
yet to be made compulsory.

7. Cyber Security Threats to Individuals

Not only businesses but many individuals also face cybersecurity threats, i.e.
celebrities, politicians, and other important personnel. Identity theft is a major issue
these days, in which the personal information of an individual is stolen by hackers
and sold for profit. This not only endangers the security of an individual but also the
whole family and people closely related to that person become victims of this
malicious act. This even leads to extortion, blackmail, and ransom money asked by
the hackers. Cybersecurity is not only necessary on a large scale but also

8. Cyber-attacks aiding other crimes

There have been a lot of cases in which the security camera of a household has
been breached by the hackers aiding thieves to trespass into private properties and
steal valuable belongings and documents. Cybersecurity is not necessary to always
be a service but also an awareness program, so that everyone knows the basics and
rudimentary techniques in case they are exposed to such cyber-attacks.

cyber security

9. Increased Regulations and Legislation

Cybersecurity concerns may result in increased regulations and legislation,
harsher penalties may need to be imposed and a separate globally accepted set of
rules for cybercrimes may become a reality. Citizens may need to be made aware of
cybersecurity and make sure their businesses do not violate any laws.

10. Generating jobs, a new career approach

With all the increased awareness about cybersecurity in the private and public sectors,

there has been a sudden rise in demand for cybersecurity experts. So, there is no

surprise that there are ample opportunities to start a career in cybersecurity. Many
companies are even willing to pay up to six figures for an experienced cybersecurity

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